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Poluvodički materijali
Šifra: 151294
ECTS: 6.0
Nositelji: prof. dr. sc. Mirjana Metikoš-Huković
Prijava ispita: Studomat

1. komponenta

Vrsta nastaveUkupno
Predavanja 20
* Opterećenje je izraženo u školskim satima (1 školski sat = 45 minuta)
Opis predmeta:
Primjena teorije energijskih vrpci na izolatore, poluvodiče, metale. Slobodni elektroni u metalima: model slobodnih elektona, Fermi-Diracova raspodjela, energetska raspodjela elektrona, električna i toplinska vodljivost metala. Elektroni i šupljine - nositelji naboja u anorganskim poluvodičkim materijalima. Dopiranje anorganskih poluvodiča, elektronska struktura i provodnost dopiranih poluvodiča. Određivanje tipa vodljivosti, optičke metode, Hallov efekt. Organski poluvodiči: elektronska struktura, nositelji naboja (soliton, polaron), fizikalna svojstva, provodnost. Poluvodič - elektrolit kontakt: sloj prostornog naboja, Schottky barijera, potencijal ravnih vrpci, reakcije na granici faza s prijelazom iona, reakcije na granici faza s prijelazom naboja. Poluvodič - metal kontakt: ispravljačka svojstva (teorija otpora), dioda, poluvodička dioda, tranzistor. Konverzija energije: fotonaponski efekti na kontaktu metal/poluvodič, fotonaponske solarne ćelije, fotonaponski i fotostrujni efekti na kontaktu poluvodič/elektrolit, elektrokemijske fotonaponske solarne ćelije. Odabrani primjeri i tehnike istraživanja: električka i optička svojstva: silicij, binarni spojevi (galij-arsenid, indij-fosfid). stiren, polipirol, perilen, antracen, oksidi i oksidni (pasivni) filmovi (TiO2, Cu2O, ZnO, ZrO2).

Opis metoda provođenja nastave
Predavanja, seminarski rad, laboratorijske vježbe: 3 vježbe povezane s temama predavanja.

Opis načina izvršavanja obveza
Uspješno završene vježbe/seminarski rad, usmeni dio ispita.
Ishodi učenja na razini kolegija
Analizirati poluvodičke materijale na temelju vrpčaste teorije krutina s ciljem njihove usporedbe s metalnim materijalima.
Komentirati mehanizam prijenosa naboja na odabranim primjerima poluvodiča n- i p-tipa vodljivosti (Si, GaAs) radi povezivanja s njihovom primjenom u poluvodičkoj tehnologiji.
Rangirati poluvodičke materijale prema efikasnosti konverzije sunčeve u električnu energiju u fotovoltaičkim i fotoelektrokemijskim reaktorima, te prema mogućnostima njihova povezivanja s metalima u Schottkyjeve diode.
Predvidjeti stabilnost binarnih poluvodičkih spojeva (oksida metala i elemenata 13-15 skupine) prema anodnoj dekompoziciji i fotodekompoziciji.
Karakterizirati odabrani poluvodič s obzirom na tip vodljivosti, koncentraciju nosilaca naboja, širinu zabranjene zone i potencijal ravnih vrpci.
Vrjednovati predloženi poluvodički materijal s ciljem njegove primjene u fotokatalitičkim procesima obrade otpadnih voda.

Ishodi učenja na razini studijskog programa
Sistematizirati znanja vještine i kompetencije za svoje znanstveno područje i polje studija.
Vrjednovati vještine i metode eksperimentalnih i teorijskih istraživanja povezanih sa svojim znanstvenim područjem i poljem studija.
Komunicirati s kolegama, širom međunarodnom znanstvenom zajednicom i društvom u cjelini o svojim idejama ili o području svoga znanstvenoga i stručnoga interesa.

Popis literature potrebne za studij i polaganje ispita (List of recommended readings)
Ruediger Memming: Semiconductor Electrochemistry, 2nd Edition, Wiley (2015).
Karl W. Boeer , Udo W. Pohl: Semiconductor Physics, Springer International Publishing (2018).
Peter Y. Yu, Manuel Cardona: Fundamentals of Semiconductors: Physics and Materials Properties, 4th Edition, Springer(2010).
Wenbin Cao, Semiconductor Photocatalysis: Materials, Mechanisms and Applications, ExLi4EvA (2016).
Mark E. Orazem, Bernard Tribollet: Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy, John Wiley & Sons (2008).
Ramanathan Srinivasan, Fathima Fasmin: An Introduction to Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy, CRC Press (2021).

Mirjana Metikoš Huković - Semiconductor materials
The theory of energy bands in the condensed state: quantum wave mechanics and waves of matter, the energy of electrons, application of the energy band theory (isolators, semiconductors, metals). Free electrons in emtals: the model of free electrons, Fermi-Dirac distribution, the energy distribution of electrons, electric and thermal conductivity of metals. Electrons and holes - charge carriers in semiconductors. Semiconductor doping, electronic structure and conductivity of doped semiconductors. Determination of the conductivity type, optical methods, Hall's effect. Organic semiconductors: electronic structure, charge carriers (soliton, polaron), physical properties, conductivity. Semiconductor-electrolyte contact: the space charge layer, Schottky barrier, the flat band potential, reactions at phase boundaries involving ion transfer, reactions at the phase boundary involving charge transfer. Semiconductor - metal contact: correction properties (resistance theory), diode, semiconductor diode, transistor. Energy conversion: photopotential effects at the contact metal/semiconductor, photopotential cells. Selected examples and research techniques: the general electric and optical properties: styrene, polypirrole, perylene, anthracene, silicium, germanium; binary complexes of the elements from the third and fifth group (galium-antimonide, galium-arsenide, indium-antimonide, indium-phosphide).

Description of instruction methods
Lectures, essay, Laboratory: Three exercises related to the topics discussed in the lectures.

Description of course requirements
Laboratory/essay, oral exam.

Learning outcomes at the course level
To analyse semiconductor materials based on the band theory of solids aiming at their comparison with metallic materials.
To comment charge transfer mechanisms in selected examples of semiconductors of n- and p-type conductivity (Si, GaAs) in connection to their applications in semiconductor technology.
To rank semiconductor materials according to the efficiency of conversion of solar energy into electrical energy in photovoltaic and photoelectrochemical reactors, and according to their joining with metals into Schottky diodes.
To foresee the stability of binary semiconductor compounds (oxides of metals and elements of groups 13-15) towards anode and decomposition and photodecomposition.
To characterize the selected semiconductor according to the type of conductivity, the concentration of charge carriers, the width of the forbidden zone and flat band potential.
To evaluate proposed semiconductor material with regard to its application in photocatalytic processes for wastewater treatment.

Learning outcome at the study programme level
To systematise knowledge, skills and competences for the respective field and academic area of the programme of study
To evaluate the skills and methods for experimental and theoretical research relating to the respective field and academic area of the programme of study
To communicate with their peers, the larger international scholarly community and with society in general about their ideas or the field of their scholarly and professional interest
Ishodi učenja:
2. semestar
D_Izborni - Redovni studij - Kemijsko inženjerstvo i primijenjena kemija
Termini konzultacija:
Obavijesti - Arhiva

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