A spring school on 3D printing of ceramics will be organized in Maubeuge, France, before the yCAM 2019 forum. JECS Trust is offering 20 traveling grants to young researchers to support travel and accommodation.
For more information, please visit the ECerS website.
The young Ceramists Additive Manufacturing Forum (yCAM) is an event and networking platform organized by EMC and supported by ECerS, dedicated to all young researchers interested in the Additive Manufacturing of ceramics. This year it will be organised in Mons, Belgium. This event is sponsored by the JECS Trust.
For more information: www.euroceram.org/en/events/ycam-2019-forum/
The International Workshop on Woman in Ceramic Science will be organised in Budapest, Hungary. The aim of this 3 days workshop is to show that the European Ceramic Society boasts with excellent women researchers in the field of ceramic science. This event is sponsored by the JECS Trust.
For more information, please visit the ECerS website.
Ceramics Expo is North America’s leading supply chain exhibition and conference for advanced ceramic and glass materials, manufacturing and technologies. This event will be organised in I-X Center, Cleveland, Ohio, USA.
For more information: www.ceramicsexpousa.com
We remind you that the next deadline for the regular call for projects of the JECS Trust is 31st May 2019. Applications for funding of any project within the guidelines of the JECS Trust are welcomed. For more information and to download the application forms, please visit the JECS Trust website.
Prior to the XVIth ECerS Conference, ECerS organises the 2019 Summer School "Ultra refractories Thermo-structural composites Refractories" at Politecnico di Torino, Italy. This event is sponsored by the JECS Trust.
For more information, please visit the ECerS website.
The XVIth conference of the European Ceramic Society will be organised in Torino, Italy. The ECerS conference showcase cutting-edge research and product developments in a wide range of ceramic-related areas, and the technical program provides an opportunity for scientists, researchers, engineers and industry leaders from around the world to present and exchange findings on recent advances in ceramic science and technology. For more information: www.ecers2019.org
The 7th International Conference on Shaping of Advanced Ceramics (Shaping VII) will be held in Aveiro (Portugal). The conference content focuses on the advanced shaping processes applied for ceramics. A Summer School will also be held on the 10th September devoted to Rheology Applied to Additive Manufacturing.
For more information: www.shaping7.org
The XVIIth Electroceramics Conference will be held at TU Darmstadt, Germany. An Electroceramics Summer School will also be organised on 21-22/04/2020 in Darmstadt.
More information will be availaible soon.
The XVIIth conference of the European Ceramic Society will be organised by ECerS and the DKG in Dresden, Germany.
Exact dates and more information will be availaible soon.
The 9th International Congress on Ceramics will be organised by ECerS and the Polish Ceramic Society in Krakow, Poland. More information will be available soon.