Ružička days
Prof. Zvonimir Katančić participated in the conference 20th Ružička days in Vukovar, Croatia, 19.-20.9.2024. with oral presentation Influence of multiple mechanical recycling on leaching of additives from microplastic.
Microplastic for breakfast
Dr. Josipa Papac Zjačić participated on May 29, 2024, in the event 'Microplastics for Breakfast,' which was held at the Institute for Medical Research in Zagreb. Josipa presented the activities of the project working group, as well as the results, equipment, and instruments that can be offered to other researchers in order to encourage mutual cooperation and the advancement of research in this field.
EMCEI-2024 conference
Defense of the doctoral thesis - Josipa Papac Zjačić, mag. ing. oecoing.
Josipa Papac Zjačić, mag. ing. oecoing. will defend her doctoral thesis on April 4th, 2024 at 11:00 a.m. in the Faculty Hall of the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology, Marulićev trg 19, Zagreb. The title of the thesis is: Ecotoxicity of microplastics and priority pollutants in water, made under the mentorship of Prof. Ph.D. Hrvoje Kušić, University of Zagreb Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology. The doctoral thesis is supported by the Croatian Science Foundation: under Programme Research Projects Microplastics in water; fate and behavior and removal (IP-2020-02-6033, ReMiCRO).
Our PhD student Anamarija Pulitika received a scholarship from the HRZZ mobility programme MOBDOK to visit the Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour (UPPA) in France. During her stay, Anamarija will work with Professor Germain Vallverdu on the implementation of molecular dynamics simulations to study the interactions between microplastics and organic pollutants. We thank the host and the Croatian Science Foundation for this great opportunity.
4th LA SDEWES 2024.
Doctoral student Josipa Papac Zjačić online participated in the conference 4th LA Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, Vina del Mar, Chile , 14 - 17 January 2024 with oral presentation: "Mechanical recycling of packaging polypropylene; migrations of contaminants and toxicity assessment".
ACC 2023, Thessaloniki, Greece
PhD student Anamarija Pulitika participated in the 1st Aristotle Conference on Chemistry in Thessaloniki, Greece (12.11.2023 – 15.11.2023) with a poster presentation entitled: „The role of functional groups in microplastic-pollutants interactions. A density functional theory study“ and won the „Best poster presentation award“ in the session of „Environmnetal pollutants: Analysis, Occurance, Fate, Exposure Assessment and Treatment Approaches“
FCC University North, Koprivnica 2023
Doctoral student Josipa Papac Zjačić participated in the conference 2nd International conference „Food & Climate change“, University North, Koprivnica, 16.-17.10.2023. with one oral presentation entitled: "Investigation of the aquatic toxicity of PET microplastic" and one poster presentation: "Influence of the metal contamination of polypropylene packaging during the repeated recycling; leaching and toxicity assessment".
ACS Fall
Professor Kusic attended the conference ACS Fall, 13.-17.8.2023., San Francisco, SAD with the poster presentation on the topic: "Removal and degradation of microplastics from water by iron‐based technologies".
SETAC Europe 33 Annual Meeting
Doctoral student Josipa Papac Zjačić held two oral presentations (online) entitled "Influence of Photooxidative Aging on the Aquatic Toxicity of Microplastic Tested on Freshwater Organisms" and "Leaching of Microplastic Constituents in Aqueous Medium; Aquatic Toxicity on Marine and Freshwater Organisms" at the conference SETAC Europe 33 Annual Meeting, held on 30.4.-4.5. 2023. in Dublin, Ireland.
SETAC Europe 33rd
Festival of Science, Zagreb, Croatia
Studentski kongres o održivoj kemiji i inženjerstvu, SKOKI
Master students together with two doctoral students Anamarija Pulitika and Josipa Papac Zjačić participated with two poster presentations entitled: "Examination of the impact of multiple recycling on the structure of polypropylene and the formation of microplastics" and "Predicting pKa values of organic pollutants using density functional theory", ate the conference Studentski kongres o održivoj kemiji i inženjerstvu, SKOKI, 1.4.2023. (Zagreb). SKOKI
Doctoral student Anamarija Pulitika held an oral presentation entitled: "Computational study of microPET adsorption mechanism for benzene derivatives in water" at the conference 28th CROATIAN MEETING OF CHEMISTS & CHEMICAL ENGINEERS (HSKIKI) in Rovinj, Hrvatska, 28.-31.3.2023.
Open day of the Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology, University of Zagreb
Doctoral student Anamarija Pulitika participated in the Open day of the Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology held on February 10, 2023, with a workshop entitled: “Predviđanje sudbine mikroplastike u vodi pomoću računalnih metoda (engl. Predicting the fate and behaviour of microplastic in the water by computational methods)”. The workshop was held for all future students interested in studying Chemical Engineering.
ReMiCRO dissemination, 17th Conference on sustainable development of energy, water and environment systems
From November 6-10th 2022 assistant and doctoral candidate Josipa Papac Zjačić attended the international conference: 17th Conference on sustainable development of energy, water and environment, SDEWES, with the presentation under the title: "Toxic effects of microplastics on freshwater microalgae Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata and crustacean Daphnia magna". Additional information avaliable on: 17th SDEWES.
Public defense of the proposed doctoral thesis
Stefani Tonković, a Ph.D. student at the ReMiCRO project, held a public defense of the proposed doctoral thesis: Removal of microplastics in water using ferrate (VI). The defense was held at the Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology on October 19th, 2022.
Public defense of the proposed doctoral thesis
Anamarija Pulitika, a Ph.D. student at the ReMiCRO project, held a public defense of the proposed doctoral thesis: Interactions of microplastics and waterborne pollutants in aquatic systems. The defense was held at the Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology on June 13th, 2022.
ReMiCRO dissemination, SPEA11
From June 6-10th assistant and doctoral candidate Stefani Tonković attended the international conference 11th European Conference on Solar Chemistry and Photocatalysis: Environmental Applications (SPEA), with the poster presentation under the title: "Adsorption of priority pollutants on microplastics in water – effects of aging and morphological characteristics". Abstract available in SPEA11.
ReMiCRO dissemination, GREEN
From June 2-3rd assistants, doctoral candidates and master's students attended the national conference 2nd International Students’ GREEN Conference in Osijek, Croatia, with 2 poster presentations: Polyethylene terephthalate as a vector for priority pollutants in the water: Adsorption isotherms and aquatic toxicity evaluation and Investigation of pesticides interaction with UV-aged polypropylene microplastics: Mechanism and toxicity studies. Abstract available in GREEN 2022.
ReMiCRO dissemination, ZORH
From Apr 28-29th assistants and doctoral candidates Anamarija Pulitika, Josipa Papac, and Stefani Tonković attended the national conference 3rd International convention of scientists, specialist employees and students on the topic of Environmental protection in the Republic of Croatia (3rd ZORH convention) with the poster presentation under the title: "ADSORPTION OF PESTICIDES ON UV-AGED MICROPLASTICS; MECHANISM AND TOXICITY EVALUATION". The abstracts are available in ZORH22.
Discussion group on the topic: Interactions of microplastics and waterborne pollutants in aquatic systems
Anamarija Pulitika, a Ph.D. student at the ReMiCRO project, held a discussion on the topic: Interactions of microplastics and waterborne pollutants in aquatic systems. The discussion was held at the Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology on April 19th, 2022.
Discussion group on the topic: Removal of microplastics in water using ferrate (VI)
Stefani Tonković, a Ph.D. student at the ReMiCRO project, held a discussion on the topic: Removal of microplastics in water using ferrate (VI). The discussion was held at the Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology on April 13th, 2022.
ReMiCRO dissemination, SMLKI
From Feb 24-25th assistants and doctoral candidates Anamarija Pulitika, Josipa Papac, and Stefani Tonković attended the national conference XIV Meeting of Young Chemical Engineers, SMLKI in Zagreb, Croatia with the poster presentation under the title: "MODELING OF THE INTERACTIONS OF ORGANIC POLLUTANTS AND MICROPLASTICS IN THE WATER" and "APPLICATION OF FERRATE FOR REMOVAL OF MICROPLASTICS IN WATER". The abstracts are available in SMLKI22.
ReMiCRO visibility
For the purpose of the 20th anniversary of its founding, the Croatian National Foundation proposed a competition for the best scientific photography. The aim of the competition was to show Croatian scientists and the environment in which they work and to promote the importance of images and visualizations in today's science. The competition was open from June 30th 2021 to September 14th 2021. 66 authors applied for the competition with a total of 230 photographs arranged in 5 categories. Our group also participated in the competition, and you can check the photo on the link: ReMiCRO photo HRZZ.
ReMiCRO dissemination, HSKIKI
From Oct 5-8th assistant and doctoral candidate Stefani Tonković attended the national conference 27th Croatian Meeting of Chemists and Chemical Engineers, HSKIKI in Veli Lošinj, Croatia with the poster presentation under the title: "Combined thermal - and UV - degradation of polyethylene terephthalate - characterization of aged material". The abstract is available in HSKIKI21.
ReMiCRO dissemination
From Sep 1.-4th assistant and doctoral candidate Josipa Papac attended international conference 17th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, CEST2021 in Athens, Greece with an oral presentation under the title: "Role of the microplastic as vector for pharmaceuticals in aquatic environment". Details are available in: CEST2021
ReMiCRO visibility
The official youtube channel of the project is created and given in the link below:
ReMiCRO dissemination
On May 11th 2021 ReMiCRO team members Josipa Papac, Stefani Tonković and Prof. Zlata Hrnjak Murgić, PhD have participated in the scientific manifestation Festival znanosti. Festival znanosti is an event that has been organized in Croatia continuously since 2003 with the aim of bringing science closer to the public by informing about activities and results in the field of science, improving public perception of scientists, and motivating young people to join research and acquire new knowledge. Link of the presentation is given below:
lecture_Festival znanosti_ REMiCRO
ReMiCRO kick-off meeting
On 14th of January 2021 ReMiCRO team members led by Prof. Ana Lončarić Božić, PhD met via Zoom platform, in accordance with relevant epidemiological recommendations, in order to launch the ReMiCRO project. The held kick-off meeting marks the beginning of four years of intense collaboration efforts by the team members on solving the compounded issues of microplastics and organic contaminants of emerging concern (CECs) in water.