Microplastics (MPs) became a new concern that reached public awareness. MPs are polymer particles, <5 mm in diameter. We can discern them into primary MPs, which are manufactured and used in products for specific purposes, and secondary MPs that are produced by fragmentation and degradation of plastic products. So far, a little is known about the environmental and health impact but concerns include: MPs are (i) readily ingested and transferred within the food chain; (ii) present in environment for a long time due to pervasive nature and resistance to degradation; (iii) practically impossible to remove from the environment. MPs may contain harmful chemicals such as plasticizers, flame-retardants, and UV-stabilizers that are released during the fragmentation. Apart from the adverse physiological effects, MPs pose an additional chemical hazard. Due to the large surface area-to-volume ratio, MPs display high sorption capacity thus serve as vectors for heavy metals and organics in water including contaminants of emerging concern (CECs). The majority of MPs identified in water comprise of PET(polyethylene terephthalate), PP(polypropylene) and PE(polyethylene). Due to the complexity of MPs and their interactions in the water their fate and behavior is not fully understood. Identified knowledge gap, among other, include interactions with other stressors such as MP associated chemicals. Based on available scientific evidence environmental and health risk assessment is not feasible yet, but EC flagged the need for action to reduce and mitigate MP pollution. The effective methods for MPs removal from water are even more under-investigated. WWTPs which rely on biological treatment, remove a significant portion of MPs, but they also act as point sources of MPs. Advanced oxidation processes (AOPs), such as Fenton and ferrate processes, are environmentally friendly, low- or no-waste technologies, effective in degradation of recalcitrant pollutants (as CECs). Furthermore, they can achieve further removal rates of MPs by coagulation action.
ReMiCRO contributes to the fundamental understanding of MPs fate and behavior, particularly affinity and sorption capacity for water pollutants as well as effect of leaching of MPs constituents and associated toxic effects. Combined experimental and computational approach will be applied to enlighten interactions and to establish correlation between MPs of different types, sizes and surface properties with different co-pollutants in water matrix that influences the fate and behavior of MPs as well as effectiveness of the treatment process. ReMiCRO leverage synergy of AOPs and ferrate(VI) treatment in addressing the problem of MPs and CECs in water. The potential for their removal and degradation by advanced water treatment will be assessed applying empirical/statistical approach and the methodology for effective solution will be developed advancing the state of the art. ReMiCRO creates societal and economic benefit as it tackles the problem of MP pollution. The adverse impacts of MPs are not limited to the ecosystems where it accumulate; the impacts are vibrant, affecting the social and economic spheres, where they induce further consequences, a typical characteristic of global risk. MPs infiltrating water and food for human consumption induce social processes. Due to the complexity of the MP problem, its assessment is difficult and requires wide effort to establish the scientific evidence needed to properly address the environmental and health risks. The research proposed by ReMiCRO garners data and knowledge on fate and behavior, and treatment of MP, thus contributes to creation of scientific evidences needed to handle uncertainty of MP affecting the environment and human health, as well as economy and societal well-being.
Official youtube chanel of the project is given in the link below: