The main goal of ReMiCRO is to fill the knowledge gap on fate and behavior of MPs in water matrices containing CECs, and to develop effective treatment solution. ReMiCRO research hypotheses are:
- the sorption capacity for different pollutants is highly dependent on MPs type, age, size, surface properties;
- chemical risks are associated with both MP constituents and MP susceptibility to adsorb pollutants;
- a predictive model can be obtained by combined quantum chemical and quantitative structure activity/property relationship approach. encompassing underlying principles governing MPs/pollutant interactions;
- ferrate(VI) is advantageous for MP/CEC treatment due to the oxidizing power and coagulation effect.
The methodological approach includes experimental and computational activities aimed to test hypotheses and to reach the main goal and objectives (O1-O4):
O1 - to establish the influence of MPs type, age, size and surface properties on sorption capacity for water co-pollutants, leaching of MPs constituents and toxic effects;
O2 - to develop a tool for prediction of fate and behavior of MPs in different water matrices. The results from O1 will be used as input data in computational activities;
O3 - simultaneous removal of MPs and co-pollutants in water. The experimental and computational results (O1, O2) will be used for setting DoE boundary conditions for removal of MP alone and with sorbed co-pollutants;
O4 - to maximize the impact of ReMiCRO project management; the planned dissemination activities include: 12 peer-reviewed papers; 11 scientific conferences; web-site and public presentations targeting: scientists, water sector professionals, decision makers, students and general public.
The expected measurable results of ReMiCRO include:
- Established fate and behavior of MPs in aqueous media regarding sorption capacity for co-pollutants and leaching of MP constituents (O1); Established toxicity of MPs alone and with co-pollutants (O1);
- Established pattern in MPs fate and behavior correlating their structural features and sorption, leaching and toxic effects via computational approach (O2);
- Developed effective methods for removal of MPs and co-pollutants (O3); Established degradation pathways of MPs and co-pollutants during oxidative treatments by ferrate(VI) and Fenton type processes (O3).