Opcije pristupačnosti Pristupačnost


Book chapter 

  1. Iva Ćurić, Ivan Brandić, Luka Brezinščak, Davor Dolar, Sustainable Management and Reuse of Sludge from Membrane bioreactor Systems: Opportunities for Agriculture Application in Book Solid Waste Management, ed. Hosam H.Saleh and Amal I. Hasan, IntechOpen 2024. (DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.1008231)


Scientific papers

  1. Bruna Babić Visković, Anamarija Maslač, Davor Dolar, Danijela Ašperger, Use of simulated sunlight radiation and hydrogen peroxide to remove xenobiotics from aqueous solutions, Processes 11 (2023) 3403 (doi: https://doi.org/10.3390/pr11123403)



  Scientific conferences

International conferences:

  1. Fran Hrlić, Iva Ćurić, Davor Dolar, Fate of nitrates in textile wastewater during ultrafiltration - reverse osmosis process, XV International Meeting of Young Chemical Engineers, Zagreb, Croatia, 22. February - 23. February 2024., poster presentation
  2. Iva Ćurić, Luka Brezinščak, Fran Hrlić, Davor Dolar, The impact of treated wastewater on manganese concentration in basil plants, 20. International conference Ružička days, Vukovar, Croatia, 18. September - 20. September 2024., poster presentation
  3. Bruna Babić Visković, Ivana Grbin, Danijela Ašperger, Davor Dolar, Effect of water matrix on removal of pesticides by UF/NF/RO membranes, 28th International Symposium on Separation Sciences, Messina, Italy, 22. September - 25. September 2024., poster presentation
  4. Bruna Babić Visković, Annetta Peršić, Dora Lastovčić, Davor Dolar, Danijela Ašperger, Effect of advanced oxidation on pesticides removal and toxicity, 28th International Symposium on Separation Sciences, Messina, Italy, 22. September - 25. September 2024., poster presentation
  5. Davor Dolar, Fran Hrlić, Luka Brezinščak, Iva Ćurić, Effect of irrigation with RO retentate from textile wastewater treatment on growth and number of leaves of basil, CESE 2024 - 17th International Conference on Challenges in Environmental Science & Engineering, Pula, Croatia, 13. October - 17. October 2024., oral presentation
  6. Iva Ćurić, Fran Hrlić, Luka Brezinščak, Željka Zgorelec, Marija Galić, Davor Dolar, Reuse of textile wastewater by membrane processes: RO permeate for dyeing and RO retentate for irrigation, X. Soos Erno International Scientific Conference Water and wastewater treatment in the industry 2024., Zalakaros, Hungary, 17. October - 18. October 2024., oral presentation
  7. Gorica Vuković, Dragica Brkić, Bojana Špirović Trifunović, Method development for simultaneous detection of CWA in water samples by LC-MS/MS, X. Soos Erno International Scientific Conference Water and wastewater treatment in the industry 2024., Zalakaros, Hungary, 17. October - 18. October 2024., poster presentation
  8. Luka Brezinščak, Iva Ćurić, Željka Zgorelec, Marija Galić, Davor Dolar, Effect of textile wastewater usage on zinc concetration in soil, 5th international conference Natural resources, green technology & sustainable development, Zagreb, Croatia, 3. December - 5. December 2024., poster presentation


Domestic conferences:

  1. Bruna Babić Visković, Petra Batinić, Tea Horvat, Dora Lastovčić, Barbara Prišlin, Danijela Ašperger, Validation of chromatography method after pharmaceuticals extraction from sediment, Summer Conference of Croatian Chemical Society Rijeka-Pula 2024, Rijeka, Croatia, 5. September - 6. September 2024., poster presentation


  PhD, MSc, and BSc thesis

MSc thesis

  1. Fran Hrlić, Irrigation of basil and beans with RO retentate, July 2024. (mentor: Davor Dolar, PhD, associate prof.)
  2. Anamaria Maslač, Development and validation of the HPLC-DAD method for the determination of mixture of selected xenobiotics, September 2024. (mentor: Danijela Ašperger, PhD, prof.)
  3. Annetta Peršić, The influence of advanced oxidation processes on ecotoxicity, September 2024. (mentor: Danijela Ašperger, PhD, prof.)


BSc thesis

  1. Filip Dlačić, Validation of HPLC-DAD method for the determination of pollutants in model and real samples, September 2024. (mentor: Danijela Ašperger, PhD, prof.)
  2. Korina Divjak, Removal of contaminants of emerging concern from binary solutions by membrane separation proceses, September 2024. (mentor: Davor Dolar, PhD, associate prof.)
  3. Karla Jagar, Effect of water matrix on removal of contaminants of emerging concern by membrane separation processes, September 2024. (mentor: Davor Dolar, PhD, associate prof.)
  4. Jakov Gugić, Application of membrane separation processes for water reuse, September 2024. (mentor: Davor Dolar, PhD, associate prof.)