Book chapter
- Iva Ćurić, Ivan Brandić, Luka Brezinščak, Davor Dolar, Sustainable Management and Reuse of Sludge from Membrane bioreactor Systems: Opportunities for Agriculture Application in Book Solid Waste Management, ed. Hosam H.Saleh and Amal I. Hasan, IntechOpen 2024. (DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.1008231)
Scientific papers
- Bruna Babić Visković, Anamarija Maslač, Davor Dolar, Danijela Ašperger, Use of simulated sunlight radiation and hydrogen peroxide to remove xenobiotics from aqueous solutions, Processes 11 (2023) 3403 (doi:
Scientific conferences
International conferences:
- Fran Hrlić, Iva Ćurić, Davor Dolar, Fate of nitrates in textile wastewater during ultrafiltration - reverse osmosis process, XV International Meeting of Young Chemical Engineers, Zagreb, Croatia, 22. February - 23. February 2024., poster presentation
- Iva Ćurić, Luka Brezinščak, Fran Hrlić, Davor Dolar, The impact of treated wastewater on manganese concentration in basil plants, 20. International conference Ružička days, Vukovar, Croatia, 18. September - 20. September 2024., poster presentation
- Bruna Babić Visković, Ivana Grbin, Danijela Ašperger, Davor Dolar, Effect of water matrix on removal of pesticides by UF/NF/RO membranes, 28th International Symposium on Separation Sciences, Messina, Italy, 22. September - 25. September 2024., poster presentation
- Bruna Babić Visković, Annetta Peršić, Dora Lastovčić, Davor Dolar, Danijela Ašperger, Effect of advanced oxidation on pesticides removal and toxicity, 28th International Symposium on Separation Sciences, Messina, Italy, 22. September - 25. September 2024., poster presentation
- Davor Dolar, Fran Hrlić, Luka Brezinščak, Iva Ćurić, Effect of irrigation with RO retentate from textile wastewater treatment on growth and number of leaves of basil, CESE 2024 - 17th International Conference on Challenges in Environmental Science & Engineering, Pula, Croatia, 13. October - 17. October 2024., oral presentation
- Iva Ćurić, Fran Hrlić, Luka Brezinščak, Željka Zgorelec, Marija Galić, Davor Dolar, Reuse of textile wastewater by membrane processes: RO permeate for dyeing and RO retentate for irrigation, X. Soos Erno International Scientific Conference Water and wastewater treatment in the industry 2024., Zalakaros, Hungary, 17. October - 18. October 2024., oral presentation
- Gorica Vuković, Dragica Brkić, Bojana Špirović Trifunović, Method development for simultaneous detection of CWA in water samples by LC-MS/MS, X. Soos Erno International Scientific Conference Water and wastewater treatment in the industry 2024., Zalakaros, Hungary, 17. October - 18. October 2024., poster presentation
- Luka Brezinščak, Iva Ćurić, Željka Zgorelec, Marija Galić, Davor Dolar, Effect of textile wastewater usage on zinc concetration in soil, 5th international conference Natural resources, green technology & sustainable development, Zagreb, Croatia, 3. December - 5. December 2024., poster presentation
Domestic conferences:
- Bruna Babić Visković, Petra Batinić, Tea Horvat, Dora Lastovčić, Barbara Prišlin, Danijela Ašperger, Validation of chromatography method after pharmaceuticals extraction from sediment, Summer Conference of Croatian Chemical Society Rijeka-Pula 2024, Rijeka, Croatia, 5. September - 6. September 2024., poster presentation
PhD, MSc, and BSc thesis
MSc thesis
- Fran Hrlić, Irrigation of basil and beans with RO retentate, July 2024. (mentor: Davor Dolar, PhD, associate prof.)
- Anamaria Maslač, Development and validation of the HPLC-DAD method for the determination of mixture of selected xenobiotics, September 2024. (mentor: Danijela Ašperger, PhD, prof.)
- Annetta Peršić, The influence of advanced oxidation processes on ecotoxicity, September 2024. (mentor: Danijela Ašperger, PhD, prof.)
BSc thesis
- Filip Dlačić, Validation of HPLC-DAD method for the determination of pollutants in model and real samples, September 2024. (mentor: Danijela Ašperger, PhD, prof.)
- Korina Divjak, Removal of contaminants of emerging concern from binary solutions by membrane separation proceses, September 2024. (mentor: Davor Dolar, PhD, associate prof.)
- Karla Jagar, Effect of water matrix on removal of contaminants of emerging concern by membrane separation processes, September 2024. (mentor: Davor Dolar, PhD, associate prof.)
- Jakov Gugić, Application of membrane separation processes for water reuse, September 2024. (mentor: Davor Dolar, PhD, associate prof.)