Opcije pristupačnosti Pristupačnost
About employee

izv. prof. dr. sc. Željka Ujević Andrijić

Title: Associate professor

Public phone number:
01 4597 150
Internal phone number:
Department of Measurements and Process Control
Graduation year:
PhD graduation year:

Published papers recorded in the Croatian Scientific Bibliography Database

List of select publications

  1. Gavran, M.; Ujević Andrijić, Ž.; Bolf, N.; Rimac, N.; Sacher, J.; Šahnić, D., Development of a calibration model for real-time solute concentration monitoring during crystallization of ceritinib using Raman spectroscopy and in-line process microscopy, Processes, 11 (2023), 12; 3439, 15. doi: 10.3390/pr11123439

  2.  Herceg, S.; Ujević Andrijić, Ž.; Rimac, N.; Bolf, N., Development of Mathematical Models for Industrial Processes Using Dynamic Neural Networks // Mathematics, 11 (2023), 21; 1-17

    Šitum, Ž.; Herceg, S.; Bolf, N.; Ujević Andrijić, Ž., Design, Construction and Control of a Manipulator Driven by Pneumatic Artificial Muscle, Sensors, 23 (2023) str. 1-14. https://doi.org/10.3390/s23020776; IF = 3.9; Q1;
  3. Herceg,T.; Ujević Andrijić,Ž.;*, Gavran,M.; Sacher, J;. Vrban, I.; Bolf, N., Primjena neuronskih mreža za procjenu koncentracije otopine ksilometazolin hidroklorida u n-butanolu korištenjem in situ ATR-FTIR spektroskopije, Kemija u industriji, 73 (2023); tehničko i prirodno područje
  4. Sacher, J.; Sejdić, M.; Gavran, M.; Bolf, N.; Ujević Andrijić, Ž., Proračun optimalnog temperaturnog profila hlađenja šaržnog kristalizatora, Kemija u industriji, 72 (2023) (7-8); 443-453, https://doi.org/10.15255/KUI.2023.001;
  5. Martić, I.; Rimac, N.; Ujević Andrijić, Ž., Razvoj softverskih senzora za procjenu mjerenja sadržaja benzena u lakom reformatu primjenom metoda strojnog učenja, 19. Ružičkini dani Danas znanost – Sutra industrija, 2022. 36-54.; tehničko i prirodno područje
  6. Ujević Andrijić, Ž.; Bolf, N.; Herceg, S., The Development of Soft Sensors for Continuous Estimation of 95% of the Distillation Point (D95) of a Diesel Product, The 12th international conference Distillation & Absorption 2022, Toulouse, Francuska, 2022. 1-6; 
  7. Ujević Andrijić, Ž.; Herceg, S.; Bolf, N., Data-driven estimation of critical quality attributes on industrial processes, 19th Ružička Days “Today Science – Tomorrow Industry”, 2022. str. 98-111; 
  8. Ujević Andrijić, Ž; Bolf, N.; Rimac, N; Brzović, A. Fouling Detection in Industrial Heat Exchanger Using Number of Transfer Units Method, Neural Network and Nonlinear Finite Impulse Response Models. Heat transfer engineering (2021), doi:10.1080/01457632.2021.2016149 (IF=2,431; Q2.; 
  9. Herceg, S.; Ujević Andrijić, Ž; Bolf, N. Support Vector Machine-based Soft Sensors in the Isomerisation Process. Chemical and biochemical engineering quarterly, 34 (2020), 4; 243-255, doi:10.15255/CABEQ.2020.1825 (IF=1,582; Q3; tehničko i prirodno područje)
  10. Herceg, S.; Ujević Andrijić, Ž; Bolf, N.. Development of soft sensors for isomerization process based on support vector machine regression and dynamic polynomial models. Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 149 (2019), 95-103. doi:10.1016/j.cherd.2019.06.034; IF=3,350; Q1; tehničko i prirodno područje)
  11. Ujević Andrijić, Ž. OSVJEŽIMO ZNANJE: Umjetne neuronske mreže, Kemija u industriji, 68 (2019); 
  12. Mohler, I.; Ujević Andrijić, Ž.; Bolf, N. Soft sensors model optimization and application for the refinery real-time prediction of toluene content.  Chemical engineering communications. 205, 3; (2018) 411-421. (IF=1,282; Q3)
  13. Ujević Andrijić, Ž.; Cvetnić, M.; Bolf, N. Soft Sensor Models for a Fractionation Reformate Plant using Small and Bootstrapped Data Set.  Brazilian journal of chemical engineering. 35, 2; (2018) 745-756. (IF=0,925; Q4)
  14. Herceg, S.; Ujević Andrijić, Ž.; Bolf, N. Continuous Estimation of the Key Components Content in the Isomerization Process Products. Chemical Engineering Transactions. 69 (2018) 79-84. doi:10.3303/CET1869014

List of select projects

EK-EFRR-KK. - Crystallization advanced process control (CrystAPC)