Opcije pristupačnosti Pristupačnost
About employee

prof. dr. sc. Nenad Bolf

Title: Full professor with tenure

Function: Head of the Department


Contact by mail (bolf@fkit.unizg.hr)

Public phone number:
+385 1 4597 151
Internal phone number:
Personal web page:
Official web page URL:
Department of Measurements and Process Control
Graduation year:
mr.sc. graduation year:
PhD graduation year:
Employed in this institution since:

Published papers recorded in the Croatian Scientific Bibliography Database

Awards and acknowledgments

Rikard Podhorsky Award of the Croatian Academy of Technical Sciences to an outstanding scientist for a particularly valuable scientific or professional achievement with industrial application, 2018

Professional memberships

List of select projects

Low-cost production of green hydrogen

Cryst APC – Napredno vođenje procesa kristalizacije (EU structural fonds)

Software sensors and analyzers for monitoring and process control
Optimization and advanced chemical process control
Intelligent monitoring and process control

CEEPUS III Cybernetics and Modern Methods of Control
CEEPUS II International Study on Automatic Control
CEEPUS Control Theory and Applications

Hobbies and interests
