Title: Expert associate
1. M. Špoljar, T. Dražina, J. Lajtner, G. Kovačević, A. Pestić, D. Matijašec, T. Tomljanović, Impact of water level fluctuation in the shaping of zooplankton assemblage in a shallow lake., Croatian Journal of Fisheries 76 (1), 27-34.
2. M. Špoljar, J. Lajtner, T. Dražina, R. Malekzadeh-Viayeh, I. Radanović, I. Zrinščak, J. Fressl, D. Matijašec, Disentangling food webs interactions in the littoral of temperate shallow lakes., Natura Croatica 26 (2)
3. K. Bule Možar, V. Martinjak, M. Miloloža, M. Cvetnić, T. Bolanča, D. Kučić Grgić, M. Markić, D. Matijašec, Š. Ukić, Determination of significant parameters of the UV-C/S2O8 2–process for the degradation of LDPE and PP microplastics, Book of Abstracts 28th HSKIKI, p. 49, Rovinj
1. L. Sipos, M. Markić, D. Matijašec, Preliminary Design of Improvement of Drinking Water Plant „Hrmotine“ Senj, 2013
2. L. Sipos, M. Markić, D. Matijašec, Startup and Optimisation of Drinking Water Treatment Plant Kućanci Đakovački, 2013.
3. L. Sipos, M. Markić, D. Matijašec, Technological Project of Water Treatment Plant at River Drava "Gat", 2012.